1.) Roll a six sided die to see which Doctor will be battling in the arena. The number of the roll will correspond to the [DN] (Doctor Number, as listed for each photo in the 'Doctor' photo section below).
2.) Roll two six sided dice to see which Companion will assist the Doctor. The number of the rolls will correspond to the [CN] (Companion Number, as listed for each photo in the 'Companion' photo section below.
3.) Roll a six sided die to see which Enemy will oppose the Doctor. The number of the roll will correspond to the [EN] (Enemy Number, as listed for each photo in the 'Enemy' photo section below.
4.) Finally, roll a six sided die to see which trap will affect hinder you. The number of the roll will correspond to the [TN] (Trap Number, as listed for each photo in the 'Trap' photo section below.
5.) The Doctor will use his 'Wits', aided by his companions 'Wits' to foil the 'Plans' or 'Strength' of his enemies.
6.) Before determining the winner, roll one die for each character playing the Game of Rassilon and add it to his attribute number. Add the Doctors result to that of his companions result and compare with the enemy number. The highest number wins, tie goes to the Heroes. Keep in mind you do not roll a six sided die for the Traps, the number is simply added to the Enemies total score.
*Special Rule* - "To Lose is To Win, and He Who Win's Shall Lose".
When battling Borusa, the lowest number is the real winner.
The Doctors

An alternate version of the first Doctor, seen in the regular series. One day, he'll be back.

Trapped in the Death Zone while visiting the Brigadier during his retirement. He doesn't like to break the laws of time, but doesn't mind bending them.

Captured while driving Bessie, most likely fighting an earlier version of the Master. Refused to believe the Master was there to help him.

Becoming trapped in the Time Eddy, wasn't able to help in the Death Zone.

Drawn to the Death Zone when his past selves were placed there via the Time Scoop. Discovered Borusa was operating the outlawed equipment.

The first Doctor as seen in the episode. Apprehensive about trusting the Master. He ultimately figured out Rassilon's riddle.
The Companions

The Doctors Grand-daughter, she originally traveled with the First Doctor. In the Death Zone, she helped destroy a Dalek, then tripped on a rock.
+1 to total when assisting the First Doctor (Any version), or when battling a Dalek.

Just retired from Unit when he was captured by the Time Scoop. Assisted the Second Doctor and later helped capture the Master.
+1 to total when assisting the Second Doctor, or when battling a Yeti or the Master.

Originally traveled with the Second Doctor, he was a phantom projection in the Death Zone. Believes the Brigadier is right. Having his memory wiped of traveling with the Doctor, he shouldn't remember who Zoe is.
-1 to total when assisting the Second Doctor.

Originally traveled with the Second Doctor, she was a phantom projection in the Death Zone. The Time-Lords erased her memory of traveling with the Doctor.
-1 to total when assisting the Second Doctor.

Originally traveled with the Third Doctor, later the Fourth Doctor. Fell down a hill in the fog and nearly got Vertigo. Regretted not listening to K-9.
+1 to total when assisting the Third Doctor, or when battling Cybermen or the Raston Warrior.

Originally assisted the Third Doctor in UNIT. She was a phantom projection in the Death Zone.
-1 to total when assisting the Third Doctor.

As member of UNIT, Mike worked with the Third Doctor on many occasions. He was a phantom projection in the Death Zone.
-1 to total when assisting the Third Doctor.

K-9 Mark III, was a present from the Fifth Doctor to Sarah Jane. Though he never made it to the Death Zone, he warned Sarah about 'going out' and that the Doctor was involved.
No Bonus

A Time Lady who assisted the Fourth Doctor. Because of a glitch in the equipment, Romana never made it to the Death Zone.
No Bonus

Though she briefly met the Fourth Doctor, Tegan traveled with the Fifth Doctor. In the Death Zone, she assisted the First Doctor. Not fond of Pitch-N-Toss.
+1 to total when assisting the Fifth or First Doctor (Episode Version only), or when battling Cybermen or The Master.

Originally intent on killing him, Turlough traveled with the Fifth Doctor. In the Death Zone, he remained safely in the Tardis.
+1 to total when assisting the Fifth Doctor.

The only Dalek in the game. Destroyed early on by the First Doctor.

Possibly left over from the original Game of Rassilon. It hunted the Brigadier and Second Doctor. Ultimately destroyed in a rock slide.

Called in by the High Council to help the Doctor. When his services were scorned and help refused, he decided to help himself to immortality. He was later captured by the Brigadier and Third Doctor.

Never originally used in the Game of Rassilon because like the Daleks, they play to well. One group of Cybermen nearly blew up the Tardis while one group was destroyed by the Raston Warrior, and another was betrayed by the Master.

The most perfect killing machine ever devised. It moves like lightening, and sensors detect movement, any movement. It's weapons are built in. It's idea of a good time is destroying a Cyber Group.

Lord President of Gallifrey. He was worried he would have to retire before all his work was done. He wished to continue being President, not only during his remaining regenerations, but eternally.
+2 to total when battling the First Doctor (Episode version only), the Second Doctor, the Third Doctor or the Fifth Doctor.

Whether equipment failure or not, it certainly isn't desirable for any Time Lord to be caught in one.

It just wouldn't be Doctor Who without a gratuitous tripping on a rock and spraining your ankle routine.

When assisting the Doctor, sometimes you have to overcome your fears. Sarah hesitated when she was faced with climbing a mountainside, then later having to slide down a rope line to reach the Dark Tower.

Some things are not as they seem. The Master realized this was more than just an empty room. Figuring out how to cross the floor is as easy as pi.

Hoping to gain entry into the Tardis, a group of Cybermen placed a Cyber-Bomb. Turlough encouragingly told Susan it was time to die.

While making their way to Rassilon's main chamber, Tegan and Sarah both felt something holding them back. It was the mind of Rassilon, forcing them back.
You have played... Wisely
So I just ran a test game and had Tegan assisting the Fourth Doctor. They battled Borusa, and Tegan suffered from Vertigo. The results were the Doctor and Tegan barely beating Borusa. However, with the special "He who wins, loses" rule, the Doctor and/or Tegan were turned into living stone statues. How did your game turn out?