Tegan - V - A reboot.... or something else? (Part 1)
Earlier in the year, my thoughts on the now cancelled series.
Carrot Sticks – Biggest Loser Rewind - S11E01
I start blogging recaps of Biggest Loser Season 11
Tegan – Jeffrey Scott's Coffee Klatch
I try my hand at writing a variety blog series.
Carrot Sticks – Fitness Product Review
I review one of the Weight Watchers 'Smart Ones' meals.
Tegan - The Adventures of Quisp
Just to do something different, I did a cereal review.
Carrot Sticks – A-Z Fitness - Zeal
The year before I started a fitness series. This was the final one.
Tegan – L.I.N.D.A. spots the Doctor at the Royal Wedding
The Doctor attends the Royal Wedding.
Carrot Sticks - Why Did Rulon Walk Off The Show?
A Biggest Loser Tirade
Jeffrey Scott - And Then…
I attempt a less comical poem.
Tegan – Dr. Who (The Early Years) - Part 33 "The Third Doctor In Review"
Having concluded my reviews of the 3rd Doctor, I give an over-view.
Carrot Sticks – When Jillian Leaves
A poem I wrote dedicated to Jillian
Jeffrey Scott - Bond Live at the Royal Albert Hall
I review the Live DVD.
Tegan - Doctor Who Graduation
My niece has a graduation with a Doctor Who theme.
Carrot Sticks – Top 15 Ways To Tell You've Joined A Bad Gym
A few reasons to hate fitness gyms.
Jeffrey Scott - Mitchell Park Domes - Tropical Domes
A photographic set I did of flowers and such.
Tegan – Dr. Who (The Early Years) - "And Now A Word From Our Sponsor"
Back in the 70's they were giving away Dr. Who themed prizes in cereal.
Jeffrey Scott - Bristol Renaissance Faire
Photos from my trip back in time.
Carrot Sticks - Reasons I'm Disappointed in My Fitness Gym
Another article on the state of gyms. My personal dislikes.
Jeffrey Scott - My Toys As A Writer
Photos of my personal writing devices.
Tegan – The Omega Men – Part 1 of 4
A short story I wrote based on Dr.Who and a podcast.
Carrot Sticks – Biggest Loser 12 - Battle of the Ages
A new season of Biggest Loser, here are the contestants.
Jeffrey Scott - Procrastination
A Song Parody I wrote.
Tegan – Dr. Who (The Early Years) - Part 51 "The Fourth Doctor In Review"
Having finished 4th Doctor reviews, here's a quick recap.
Jeffrey Scott - Martha Berner: Recording of Brew City Bands
Tegan – Sun Boy Explores the 21st Century
I turn a few screenshots from DC Universe Online into a short story.
Carrot Sticks – Biggest Loser S12E09 - What Kind of School Do You Teach?
One of my reviews from Biggest Loser
Tegan - Chicago Tardis - Costume Collection (The Companions)
Chicago Tardis Photos
Carrot Sticks – Biggest Loser S12E13 - And the Biggest Loser Is....
A review of the final episode of Biggest Loser Season 13.
Jeffrey Scott - CD Review: Diana Krall - "Steppin Out"
Hoping this'll be a new monthly, musical series.
Keep in mind, this isn't everything from all three blogs, rather, just a sampling. If you enjoy each, why not subscribe and follow? You’re bound to find something you like sooner or later. ;)
Jeffrey Scott